Welcome to MOA The Maryland Orthopaedic Association's purpose is to give Maryland Orthopaedists a voice and representation for your issues. Learn how you can help ensure orthopaedic care remains accessible and affordable for all Marylanders on our Advocacy page. Save the Date2025 Annual Meeting Meeting DetailsMOA is Your Voice in MarylandWe alert you to legislation that affects your practice, monitor ongoing issues, and even offer testimony in Annapolis. We also offer at least 40 CME credits each year through tests in the Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances, the Self-Assessment Exam, and free events including our Annual Meeting. Join/RenewSupport the MOA PACThe Maryland Orthopaedic Association Political Action Committee (MOA PAC) supports candidates and legislators at the state level who understand the challenges of practicing as an orthopaedist in Maryland, and who are responsive to the orthopaedic community's viewpoints and objectives. Donate |